A Little Support Can Change Lives

A Little Support Can Change Lives

When we think about becoming first-time parents we are in a good place in our lives, we have a stable living situation and a solid support system. Now imagine that you are 19 and fresh out of high school and have none of that.  When I first met Lisa,* she had been...
Change Happening Behind the Scenes Keeps Case Workers Motivated

Change Happening Behind the Scenes Keeps Case Workers Motivated

When we work out in the field we do not always hear from our clients how we impact their lives. Then, one day I received a text from a client 3 weeks after I started working with the family.  She said: “I just want to take a second and say that I am so thankful for...
The Gift of a Life Restored, There is Hope for Everyone

The Gift of a Life Restored, There is Hope for Everyone

I began working with a young man in his mid-twenties in November 2021. Unlike the oftentimes awkwardness of an initial meeting, this young man was immediately open with his life story, humble about past mistakes, and hopeful for a future that includes sobriety,...

Mentors Make a Difference!

It’s hard to target just one moment for our YIT youth that a difference in their life is made. From the excitement of a successful mentor match and the smile on the youth’s face on the car ride home from the match, as they discuss what they’re excited most about. To...
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