Two changed lives

Two changed lives

  I received a referral in October of 2023 for a father and his son. At the first contact with the caseworker, I discovered the child had been in foster care, at this point, for almost 15 months. The case was originally opened due to the mother’s neglect and drug...
Persistence Pays

Persistence Pays

My job as a YIT specialist allows me to meet the youth (ages 14-23) where they are and walk with them on their journey to adulthood. One youth in our program is an 18 year old boy. When I met with him, he did not talk much, but wanted to go to the mall. We walked...
Another Adoption

Another Adoption

    I had the pleasure of being the adoption worker for a 5-year-old several years ago. This child had experienced significant abuse and neglect before coming into foster care. As a result of that trauma, she needed additional mental health treatment to help...
Giving Parent as Teachers a try made all the difference

Giving Parent as Teachers a try made all the difference

When reaching out they stated they had just started a parent education program with another agency and did not see the point of doing two different services. The client stated she was going to call her foster care worker to get clarification and would call me back the...
I just want to do right by my grandson

I just want to do right by my grandson

I worked with a grandfather who took his grandchild in to raise him. As I worked with him, I learned the grandfather had very old school way of discipline which are frowned upon in today’s age. At intake, I witnessed a situation that made me realized that there...
Sometimes you just need to be there.

Sometimes you just need to be there.

One of my clients, a mom of three children, two of which are in foster care, has reminded me that just ‘being there’ can make a lot of difference. The children in foster care have had multiple issues with the foster parent that resulted in a lot of...
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