When we think about becoming first-time parents we are in a good place in our lives, we have a stable living situation and a solid support system. Now imagine that you are 19 and fresh out of high school and have none of that.
When I first met Lisa,* she had been caring for her infant son by herself with no support and it was very clear it was taking an emotional and physical toll on her. She had begun using an illegal substance and drinking until she could no longer hide it and her son was removed from her care. I came into her life at a low point but also at a point when she was willing to change. We focused a lot of our time on self-worth and setting routines.
Soon, you could see this beautiful human emerging from her past shell. Lisa, once someone who would barely make eye contact, was fully engaging in conversation. In one of our earlier conversations, she had mentioned she liked to craft, so, for one of our visits, we did a craft for her son’s room. This inspired her to find her passion. Soon she and I worked out a plan and she had applied and was hired at a local craft supply store.
The passion did not stop there, she was accepted and has completed a semester of college at Delta in business, remaining on the dean’s list. She has regained custody of her son. With the tools that she has learned she is able to go and achieve everything she wants out of life. I am beyond proud of this young woman and the mother she is turning out to be.
*Lisa is a fictitious name in order to protect the client’s privacy.